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Current Cool Things


The purpose of this page is to journal about the current things I'm into.

Each entry will...

  1. Be given a date
  2. Have some sort of visual indicator (eg. an image and/or gif).
  3. Be based on what is currently fascinating to me. which will not always be modern. (like ps2 games, older 00's anime, citypop, etc).

11/7/2024, First Ever Entry

Recently, I've been geetting into this into this new anime DanDaDan. It's basically about two people, a popular girl (Momo) who's belives in ghosts and evil spirits and a nerdy boy (Okurun) who believes in extra terrestials (aka, aliens). Imma try my best to not spoil it but essentially... they dare each other to go to an area that they belive has a ghost or alien sighting. This introduces the paranormal being very real in their world, causing them to see and experience both ghost and alien activities. It's animated by the same people behind the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime. I highly, highly reccomend checking it out while it's still fresh and new. Episode six came out today (a new episode comes out every Thursday at 11 AM; Eastern Time)

and I just... OOOOHHH. It is straight HEAT.GAS. If you like shonen with a bit of batshit craziness. This will be your go-to anime.

11/14/2024, I... I just can't.

*Spoiler Warning for Dandadan*

Today, the seventh episode of Dandadan came out. I decided to wait until I got home to watch it. I'm glad I did. It was cool and funny at first... then it got to Acrobatic Silky's flashback. I broke down completely, and i usually don't cry when it comes to any form of media. I guess I've been holding a lot in lately, just the weight of a past figure suddenly showing or trying insert themselves back into my life. Still refuse to include them as it caused both a lot of fun with a lot of stress and worry. I just kept crying while seeing her get hurt by those yakuza with her daughter crying in the background. What got me completely was seeing the daughter be taken away while she was basically crippled. I'm not trying to sound cool or anything like that. It just... made me cry a lot. I'm still crying.

Silkys okay, i'm okay.

11/22/2024, I been busy...

Things have been... draining, for the past week? I decided to finally try out a physical sport I wanted to do for the past four years and it's hard! Like "Challenge accepted" hard! Shits's tiriring but gets fun once we get to the live drilling. It's 5 sets of a practicing a move on each other, we practice other moves with the last 30 to 15 minutes being either suicides, lifting or dragging your partner from one end of wall, then they pick up or drag you back to the start. I swear, either I'm messing up the techniques or I'm just not that strong yet. But rarely do I feel feel fustrated. Just confused or gassed out from drilling. Just means carries are not gonna work for me until I get my strength back.

ALSO! Watched the episode 8 of Dandadan! Shit's GAS again. Aira still pisses me off, but... atleast she's way more competent now due to last episode. I still wish it was just Momo and Okarun again. Was way more entertaining than "I'm pretty, therefore I was gifted to see demons" F outta here. But yeah, I got a feeling Aira's not going to leave. *sigh* That's all for now. AND PLEASE!!! WATCH DANDADAN! IT'S PEAK!

1/21/2025, things are not so good right now...

I. Think. I. Am. Extremely. Unmotivated.

I haven't done anything outside of school besides game and watch YouTube. Well, I did watch this zombie show called Black Summer. I liked how more grounded it is, esspecially in season 1. But back to what I was thinking on below the title. For some reason whenever I'm not doing the phsyisical activity, the want to do basic tasks like get out of bed, take a shower, and not overeat seem a lot harder. It's almost like a crutch. No. I don't think that's the right word. Would cope be a better descrpitor? I believe it would be a better descriptor. It's been a while since I've done one of these. Got busy with school, then started to feel numb after staying inside an not doing the physical thing!Then again, I've been feeling that every fucking winter since 2020 I despise winter so fucking much I hate it I hate I hate it I hate it so fucking much WHY DOES IT HAVE TO LAST SO LONG!? Then I remember I have things to occupy myself, like drawing, and beatmaking, and adding on to my website. Is this what depression feels like? I felt it last year around the same time. I ended up just botttling it in until I could air it out on the mat, nothing really helped. I can't stand to see myself like this, yet I continue to go back into old habits, like some sort of snake eating cycle. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense. Basically, I haven't beel feeling very good about myself for ignoring my needs, like putting my creativity into this or my other hobbies besides gaming which is starting to become stale for me. Mainly because I tend to play the same types of games but try to widen my range through emulation. Wow, I am really going all over the place!

I feel... less bad. Which is a good thing. So... I think typing this was a good idea, because I haven't really had any fun for a while.

OH! ALSO! Black Summer season 1 is pretty good, and Saints Row 2 is better than I rember it being! Check em out!